+27 11 027 4337 dustin@shotcrete.co.za


For over 10 years, Shotcrete Africa SCP has been the leading sprayed concrete specialist in Africa servicing various sectors with both wet and dry shotcrete solutions. Our Experience, insights, cutting-edge technology and training have made us your preferred provider of services relating to the shotcrete process.

Shotcrete Africa services consist of:

Shotcrete Africa Services - Structural concrete
Strcutural Shotcrete
Shotcrete Africa Services - Micropile
Shotcrete Africa Services - Concrete repairs
Concrete Repair
Shotcrete Africa Services - Silo Relining & repairs
Silo Relining & Repair
Shotcrete Africa Services - Skateparks & swimming pools
Skateparks & Swimming Pools
Shotcrete Africa Services - Bulk Shotcrete for Mining
Bulk Shotcrete for Mining
Shotcrete Africa Services - Lateral Support & Stabilisation
Lateral Support & Stabilisation

Micropiles for your site

Ask us now

Shotcrete Africa Services

Before you place concrete, Find out about Shotcrete

+27 11 027 4337

079 495 4337


Johannesburg :: Cape Town :: Durban

Spionkop Ave, North Riding AH, Roodepoort, 2162

:: Johannesburg

Office 5, 13 Regent Rd, Sea Point, Cape Town, 8005

:: Cape Town

9 Braemer Road, Cowies Hill, Pinetown, 3601

:: Durban